Sunday, May 01, 2011

There Be Dragons

THIS is the movie I have been wanting to tell you about!! Normally, I wouldn't endorse a film I haven't seen myself, but I've done my homework, and it's really important that we all come out to support this movie, because it opens this weekend (May6)! Now, the reason that faith-based movies (normally) turn out to be so lame, is because they are way underfunded. They can't afford to hire the best actors and directors, simple as that. However, "There Be Dragons" was far from underfunded. Antea 3 Films and Mount Santa Fe came together and spent $35 million producing this film. With that money they were able to afford a director named Roland Joffé (check out his IMDb page here), who directed big-name movies like "The Mission," and "The Killing Fields." FUN FACT: When asked, Roland discribed himself as a "wishy washy agnostic," but has since said that this film has changed the way he views religion. I think thats pretty cool. Anyway, I looked up some interviews on Youtube, and I thought that some of his comments were very moving, check it out... 

So I suppose I should tell you a little something about the plot. From what I've learned on IMDb,, and from a couple people doing promotion for the film (I told you guys, I did my homework), it tells the story of a man investigating the life of St. Josemaría Escrivá. Along the way, the investigator becomes entangled in, not only St. Josemaría's history, but his own as well. "There Be Dragons" is a story about forgiveness and redemption, and that, my friends, is something we can't hear enough about. St. Josemaría Escrivá is the main character, and is completely real; however, the supporting characters are not. This film is BASED around the true account of StJosemaría's life, but all the other characters are fictional.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of seeing priests and clergy playing the bad guy. I'm sick of christians always being the butt of the joke. We need to support this film. It's only opening in the really big theaters, but if we all go see it, and bring a couple friends, then the smaller theaters will be able to carry it as well. To find a theater near you, go to their official website

Remember St. Josemaria, and check into his life a little. I love the way he dealt with life and the people around him, he was truly amazing... But more on that later. I'm really excited to see this movie and I'll be sure to post my review once I have!! I hope you guys are safe tonight! You're all in my prayers :) Keep it real, Emily

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