Monday, May 02, 2011

I calls em' like I sees em'

I'll admit, I don't know very much about politics. Correction. I don't know ANYTHING about polotics. But I do know a few things about pride. A lot of times, my pride runs away with me, and I don't try to stop it. I jump into the arms of Pride and it carries me far away from what I need most, so I like to think of myself as an expert on the life-altering affects of pride in a persons life. As I'm sure you know, Osama Bin Laden was recently killed by the US special forces (with or without the help of Pakistani officials, I don't know. Everyone seems confused about that). I won't argue, this man is responsible for evils done all over the world, and has claimed leadership over the group of men who attacked the Towers in 2001. Justice should be served, and while our men in uniform were carrying out that justice, Bin Laden lost his life. From what I've seen and heard on the news, our men and woman behaved HONORABLY when faced with the defenseless corpse of the worlds most wanted terrorist (no surprise here). But for us to be over here lighting off fireworks and celebrating is disgustingly PRIDEFUL. I listened this afternoon as a news anchor talked about how he wished he could have been there and what he would done if he had been, and I thought, "Oh my gosh, I hope people in other countries don't take this as an example of what Americans are like." But that only leads me to ask, What kind of people are we?! Are we the kind of people who think that it's ok to treat one person one way, but it's totally not ok to treat someone else the same way? I'm not saying we should bury him in Arlington, but we should definitely treat him like a human being.

"In the face of a man's death, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects on the serious responsibilities of each person before God and before men, and hopes and works so that every event may be the occasion for the further growth of peace and not of hatred." -- Vatican statement on the death of Osama bin Laden

This whole thinking of  "what's true for you, isn't true for me," needs to stop. Those things that are right, and good, and true, ARE right, and good, and true for EVERYONE. No exceptions. You don't get to change the rules of decency around to suit however you feel at the moment. That's relativism.  Thinking that we are wise enough to pass judgment on ANYONE. That's pride. We as a country need to realize that everyone on earth is human, and we all answer to the same God. We are all subject to the same law. Whether or not we choose to accept it, we are called to abide by it.

Keep spreading the love guys, lead by example. In the water's of life, every rock leaves ripples. Where are you going to throw your rock?

Keep it real,

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