Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Setting my heart right

Hey guys!! I hope your day was great, and you're finishing the school year like a CHAMP! If it wasn't, or you're not then you're in luck! There's still time left to fix it, don't worry. I often allude to major mistakes that I've made in my past. I like to use my experiences to help you with whatever you're struggling with. (Like the little kid in this video, we learn from people who've "been there." A lot of life's most important lessons are learned through mistakes, but that dosen't mean they have to be our mistakes. I learned quite a few things watching my sisters mess things up, brush themselves off, and keep going. Anyway, I'm off point.) What I'm trying to say is that I've left some major issues on the path behind me, and somedays (like today) they really try to call me back. I catch myself going over the same situations in my mind, and I feel my heart tear open a little bit again. I talk a lot about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and moving forward. Forward, forward, forward. All the time. And I stand by that, never try to go back. But there is something to be said for pausing where you are, if just for a moment, to allow yourself to heal. To take time and ask Jesus to pour His love over your wounds, and then stay still so He can do so. If you're in a place in life (and I am right there with you), where everything is just confusing you, and you feel like you're lost in translation, you should take time to pray for healing. There is ALWAYS time to heal. If you need to cancel some plans for an hour while you spend some time in the quiet, just you and the Lord, do it.

As always, I have a great sports metaphor to help explain what I'm trying to say: Being a volleyball player, I've rolled my ankle more times than I care to admit. I think ankle sprains are the trickiest kind of injury. Sometimes, you just need to push through it for a couple hours, ice it, and you're ready to go tomorrow. Other times, you need to ice it, and take the week off, playing on it will only make the injury worse, and you'll end up lengthening your time in the sidelines when it finally catches up to you (because it always does).

Am I making sense here? If you're feeling me, then say a prayer for me tonight as I ice my twisted ankle, and I'll say one for you too. Keep smiling ladies! I think the best way to praise God is to make someone's day when yours is going horribly.

Keep it real,

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