Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yeah, why is that?

Here's your Youcats for today! I'm going to start skipping some numbers soon, so go out and get your own so you don't miss any tasty nuggets of knowledge! You can purchase your own copy at On a Wing & a Prayer.

#5: Why do people deny God exists, if they can know him by reason?
CCC: To know the invisible God is a great challenge for the human mind. Many are scared off by it. Another reason why some do not know God is because they would have to change their life. Anyone who says that the question about God is meaningless because it cannot be answered, is making things too easy for himself. [37-38]

This passage dosen't have a youth-translation, but I think that's because the CCC puts it pretty plainly. Plus, I'm sure we can all think of a few more reasons why people deny God's existence as well.

#6: Can we grasp God at all in concepts? Is it possible to speak about him meaningfully?
CCC: Although we men are limited and the infinite greatness of God never fits into finite human concepts, we can nevertheless speak rightly about God.
     In order to express something about God, we use imperfect images and limited notions. And so everything we say about God is subject to the reservation that our language is not equal to God's greatness. Therefore we must constantly purify and improve our speech about God.

Well that was humbling... And really hard to wrap my head around... God is so great, that we don't have words to describe it. I know we've all heard that a million times, but really think about all that fact entails. Imagine everything that everyone has ever known. Imagine that knowledge as a really big bubble. God is everything inside that bubble and then WAY MORE. Blows my mind...

I hope you're all safe! Pray for those who go hungry tonight- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. May our Lord satisfy them in the way that only He knows how :)

Keep it real,

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