Friday, May 13, 2011


Hey guys!! I'm so sorry, I've been so lazy lately! There's no excuse, I know that, and I'm fixing it righ meow! I promised myself when I started this blog, that I was going to commit to it, and I've been putting it off for stupid reasons. Do you have anything like that? A goal you set for yourself, that you've lost sight of lately? Maybe a new year's resolution that's fallen to the way-side? I know my problem, my numero UNO distraction is Facebook. I say to myself "I'll write after I go on Facebook," and then I sit online until my eyes get red and itchy, and THEN I tell myself I'm too tired to do it. Dumb. That is dumb dumb dumb. I love to write and this blog is an opportunity for me to get involved in something I really love. Why do I choose creeping on people that I don't actually talk to over working towards my dreams? I can't believe it's taken me this long to recognize what the root of my problem is. Laziness is a HUGE obstacle that I think a lot of us struggle with, so I searched around for some tips on overcoming laziness and getting in control of your life, and here's what I found for y'all:

      Lists are great. When you have a written copy of all the things you need to do in a day (even the little things like when and what you're going to eat), it's like having a little person there with you; shouting at you to "GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! YOU'VE GOT STUFF TO DO!" Plus, if you're like me, then you have a really hard time even remembering when your birthday is, lists help with that too. They help you to keep track of your time so it dosen't sneak out the back door on you. It dosen't have to be real fancy or even detailed at first. Practice right now! Grab a napkin (or the back on an envelope or whatever you've got. Anything but your mother's walls will do), and a pen. Write down the things you need to take to school tomorrow, what you're eating for breakfast (eating really does help improve your mood), and, if it normally takes you a while to choose, what you're wearing to school. Just start with planing your morning, then try planning what you're doing after school. Take it one day at a time, and next thing you know, you'll have mastered your time.
     You need to choose a time to wake up. Not "oh somewhere between 6:00 and 7:30," I'm talking about an actual time that you can program into an alarm clock and NOT press the snooze button thirteen times when it goes off. When you set a time for waking up, it makes it easier to do the next things I'm going to suggest: Choose a time to eat breakfast. Choose a time to leave for school. Choose a time to leave after school. Choose a time to do your homework. Choose like five times to take breaks. Choose times to exercise, eat, sleep, creep on facebook, feed your pets, take a shower. Whatever else you feel is necessary, CHOOSE when to do it, and then stick to it! Your life is not subject to the whims of fate, my friends. I don't particularly care when you choose do those things, but you should. You need to take control of your day, and you do that by choosing a schedule for yourself.
     I don't mean the fruit that helps you poop, I mean like when a tree-cutter hacks off branches that are harming a plants growth for one reason or another. Everyone we spend time with, and everything we do has some sort of an affect on us, and it's important to know what those affects are. Examples: Creeping on my ex-boyfriend's facebook makes me sad. Running makes me happy. Online shopping makes me guilty. Reading makes me relaxed. Laughing makes me feel amazing. Gossiping makes me feel rude. Take a second and look at a couple things that you spend a lot of time on. How do those things affect you emotionally? Will they help you to reach your life's goal? If you want to be a doctor, if helping people people makes you really really happy, then wouldn't your time be best spent volunteering in a nursing home or talking with ER nurses instead of playing COD for hours? I'm all for doing things "just for the fun of it," it's important to spend time with your friends just being goofy. But that being said, I don't want to look back on these years and think that I was wasting all my time. Does that make sense?

So that's what I've got for you tonight :) Take control, eh? The weather's breaking, so get outside and spend some time in God's beautiful creation! Spring is a time of new beginnings. What's your new beginning? Comment below!

Keep it real, ladies,

Congratulations to Nicole Collins for getting her Masters degree :) I always knew you could read!

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