Thursday, May 05, 2011

the belle of the ball!

Hey girls!! My prom is this weekend, and with all the stuff us ladies go through to get ready for this dance... It's a wonder we make it to the dance! I don't know about you guys, but when I'm picking out a dress, going tanning, getting my hair done, or having someone do my makeup... THAT'S when I feel the most insecure. Why is that? I'm not going to tell you not to wear make up or pretty dresses, I am going to tell you that if you are laying in the tanning bed thinking "if this dosen't work, I'm NEVER going to be able to pull off that dress," (which is exactly what I thought a couple days ago) then you need to stop. We shouldn't lean on makeup and dresses and stuff like that to feel pretty.

Get ready, because I'm about to give you the cheesiest line ever (there's nothing wrong with cheesy!!). Beauty is on the inside!! I know, I know, lame right? But think of it in reverse. A girl can wear all the eye-liner she wants, but if she's a shady individual, then THAT'S what she'll be remembered for, THAT'S what people see. Next year, your date, your friends, your mom and your dad aren't going to remember what dress you wore, they're going to remember your beautiful smile, your intoxicating laugh and your encouraging words. I know that the system wants us to believe that we have to shock and awe and make a scene in order to be remembered, but I have just one thing to say about that, my friend. FALSE. People remember the person who told them they were beautiful on a day when they felt utterly unattractive, they remember the girl who had their back on the dance floor, and made them feel included.

So hold your head high girl! Be a best friend, tell the truth, and all that jazz! That dress is beautiful, and your makeup is flawless, but without you, they're just a lifeless pile of fabric and chemicals.

Travel safe, everyone!! Christ loves you so much :)) and so do I!!

Keep it real,

Enjoy your song of the night! It's called "Love Like Crazy" by Lee Brice

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