Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm made of wax, Larry. What are you made of?

Today, I had the immense pleasure of making a new friend at the St. Josemaria Institute who showed me a great video of St. Josemaria explaining how to "enlarge your heart." He put it into such simple terms that I HAD to share it with you:

“When we get to know someone well, we notice how they act, their way of speaking, even the pitch of their voice. Everything lodges in our heart and we imitate it without realizing it. If we draw close to Jesus Christ through the Sacraments, through constant, daily conversation with him, we start imitating Jesus almost without realizing it. What heart could be bigger that Christ’s? What could be more immense than the immensity of his love? ... You already know that we have to draw close to Christ, We have to follow him closely, and talk with him, becoming his friend. And to become Christ’s friend we have to visit him, converse with him, get closer, look at him with the eyes of our soul.”
My sister likes to make up random, catch phrases like "What of it!?" and "Whadayadoin?!" and repeats them every chance she gets. Once, when we were playing Clue, she kept calling Professor Plum "Plum-Dog Millionaire" and now I instinctively call him that whenever I play! She comes up with some weird phrases, and because we live together, I use them too- along with a bunch of other weird habits that I'm too proud to mention. But seriously, I want to live my life the way St. Josemaria describes above. I want to be such good friends with Jesus that I imitate him without realizing it.

I know that individuality is important. Being yourself is vital. However, it's just silly to think of ourselves as totally outside everyone's influence. It happens without us knowing it or acknowledging it. For example: You go out in the sunlight, and the UV rays do rude things to your skin whether or not you want them to or not. What Josemaria and I are suggesting is that you put on a bit of SONblock. Spend time with Christ, studying his word, talking to him, and (most importantly) listening to him. That way, when you walk outside your door in the morning, there's a buffer between you and the world. Does that make sense?

I've been having a terrible time sleeping lately so send one up for me! And I'll send one up for you too. Anything specific? Comment below :) Love you all!

Keep it real,

Here's the video of St. Josemaria. He's spanish (if you can't tell from his name) so there's subtitles, but it's definitely worth a little extra work. I think it's awesome how we have an actual video of a guy who is now a saint... legit.

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