Thursday, April 28, 2011

Traveling in style

"It’s a dangerous business going out of your door. You step onto the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien
After a few summers in the rural midwest, you learn that, unless you want to spend three months bored off your rocker, you need to do some traveling. Wheather it be to a different state or city or neighborhood, you need to get out of the house.  With summer rolling in hot on us (pardon the pun), I thought I'd share my top ten things to remember when going out of your door. In no particular order...

Número de diez: Choose your bag wisely. If you have a one-shoulder bag then you'll spend the whole day switching shoulders, but if you use a back pack, you need to make sure that it's always zipped, lest you fall pray to pick-pockets. If you choose to wear a fanny-pack... Well that's very unfortunate, and I'm sorry.

Numéro neuf: I know I sound like your mom (your mom is smart so I don't really mind that much), but when you're packing, think of every possible situation and prepare for it. Example: You're going to Chicago and there are lots of fountains to play in, so you're probably going to want to bring another pair of socks or flip-flops. No one likes squishy shoes all day. Think about it.

Numero otto: Eyes peeled. If you don't know about all of the dangerous people in the world, then you should think about watching a couple more episodes of Criminal Minds. Not everyone you come into contact with is a sociopath, but not everyone you come into contact with isn't a sociopath either.

Líon na seacht: When traveling in a group, pick the most present-minded person, and just have them bring the camera. I can't remember a trip where someone didn't lose their camera, and with facebook, your group really only needs one anyway.

Numer Sześć: (Isn't it cool how I can count in all these languages?) If you have a debit or credit card, bring that, and only a small amount of cash. If someone steals your card, you can call and have it cancelled before anything major happens, but your cash is gone forever.

Nummer Vijf: (Just kidding, my cat can speak more languages than I can. Hooray for Google Translate!) If you have a super fancy phone, laptop, iPad or something like that and you just cannot be separated from it (no judgments here, I treat my laptop like it's my child sometimes), wait until you get where you're going before you take it out of your bag. People don't normally get mugged for their phone, but if you're waiting at the train station, playing Angry Birds on your iPad, that's a different story. Don't think of it as your macbook, think of it as $1,000-$2,000 when it's sold on eBay. People have been attacked for less. Just saying.

Nummer Vier: Don't listen to your music. Instead, pay attention to what the people around you are saying and doing. Jack Johnson's voice is like chocolate :) but the voice of the guy next to you is quieter, and possibly, more deadly. And on a lighter note, if someone wants to get past you and they're saying "excuse me," you won't be able to hear them. Rude, my friend, rude.

Номер три: If taking public transportation, bring along some extra deodorant. People normally don't smell the greatest when traveling, but when the guy next to you turns and says "do you smell that?" you can rest assured it's not you.

第二: What happens in Vagas, does NOT stay in Vagas. The same goes for Mexico and New York and your neighbors house and just about everywhere else. If you don't want someone to find out you did it. Dont do it.

Namba moja: (I saved Swahili for last because I think it's the best language ever) Travel with a group. If you're like me, and you don't know many people who want to take a pilgrimage to Holy Hill with you, reach out to someone you don't normally hang out with, or ask a family member to go with you. It might be lame to go to the museum with your grandma (not my grandma, of course, she's the best :) love you, grandma!), but it's BEYOND lame to end up in a bad situation because you didn't have anyone to watch your back.

So there you have it, ladies. Top ten things to remember. Print them out. Frame them. Have them tattooed on the palm of your hand. Whatever you feel is necessary.

You guys are great! Say a special prayer for all of our troops and the young men and woman who enlist every day to keep us safe.

Keep it real,

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