Friday, April 29, 2011

Movie Review: Prom

Prom wasn't that bad! It was totally predictable, but really? What do you expect from a Disney movie? I was a little worried at the beginning, because I thought I was going to have to sit and watch a girl get played the entire time (Don't you hate it when that happens? When the audience knows something, but the character is totally oblivious? That frustrates me so much), but she catches on pretty quick, and she's not all dramatic about it, and she dosen't throw herself a little pity party, she just picks herself up by her bootstraps and carries on. I really liked that. The movie was basically about accepting who you are and rocking it. I'd give this movie 4.5 out of 5 stars (because, lets face it, Disney movies almost never have good actors). I hope you guys go see it and let me know what you think!

Check back tomorrow to learn about a spectacular movie that hits the theaters next weekend!

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