Saturday, April 23, 2011

Movie Review: Rio

  • The 3D was incredibly realistic
  • The script was HILARIOUS
  • They casted great actors and they all gave really good performances
  • Great original songs
  • Even though it's animated, it's totally NOT appropriate for kids (for reasons I'll get to later)
  • They make the man in it look like a total goober
My Commentary:
Rio was so much fun to see with my friends, because we understood all the jokes and we knew the actors really well and could understand the plot. But what really upset me that it was marketed to kids. All the songs were about party party partying, droppin it low, and because we are 17 and 18 year old girls, we understand that it was just a song, but kids don't understand that, and I think the lyrics would be confusing for them. I mean, put yourself in a child's shoes... "My mom and dad are telling me to work hard and stay in school and love the Lord, but this song is so catchy and droppin it low dosen't sound so bad..." The movie was full of jokes that were funny because we understood them, but if a kid repeated it, it would be wildly inappropriate. That's why I put the "Party Fowl" poster on here. We get it, but kids don't. Does that make sense?  The other thing that bothered me was that they (and practically ALL the movies nowadays) made the man out to be stupid and weak and silly. I understand that it's all in good fun and it's just entertainment, believe me, I get that. But shouldn't we be supporting movies (and songs) that set an example for men that we actually want them to follow? Just saying.

The greatest part of the movie was watching it with my friends. There was a part in the movie that was really funny, but the friend sitting next to me thought it was HILARIOUS and she laughed so loud and for such a long time that it made the movie EVEN FUNNIER. So it wasn't so much the movie, as it was seeing it with my friends that I enjoyed.

This is a clip from the movie. It's the song that the evil bird sings and it's chalk-full of funny lines. Check it out:

Have a great night, guys! If you've seen Rio, let me know what you thought of it in the comment box below!! If you haven't seen it... well I guess you can comment anyway, I guess :\ Keep it real, Emily

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