Sunday, April 24, 2011

Today is Easter :)

And one day the grave could conceal Him no longer... Jesus Christ is alive and breathing inside of all of us! Don't be like the grave, don't try to conceal the light of Christ within you, it's beautiful. Love looks good on you :). Ooohh I feel so peaceful today! There's nothing to worry about. 
Here's a huge concept that you've probably heard before: Christ's death and resurrection has conquered EVERYTHING. I know, you're probably like "ummm, yeah. I did a craft about that in Sunday school when I was six... What's your point?" I wish I knew how to put this simple truth into words that would do it justice. Take a second. Imagine a bowl filled with your fears, your vices, your past mistakes (that's a tough one for me), and your fears for the future. For some of us, we need a bathtub, but thats besides the point. Jesus took that bowl, took it to hell, and chained it in the lowest circle. All we have to do is stop pretending like we have to still carry that bowl around with us. If you're having trouble with that, have a chat with Him about it. For example, I would say "Jesus, I know that You're tired of watching me struggle by myself, I know that You want to help me, but I'm having trouble letting go of all the expectations I have for my future, I'm constantly worrying about it, and it's distracting me from my relationship with You. I want to give You this worry, please help me to let go." Ask and you shall receive :)) The system would have you believe that you can do it on your own. The world pumps us up with songs and movies that are all about how great we are, and we forget that we have issues that we need to take to Someone more powerful than us. God is that Someone. So give humility a try. Put a little love on with your makeup this morning :)

Travel safe everyone!! You are loved!

Keep it real, Emily

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