Friday, April 22, 2011

GREAT Friday

I've been thinking (as I often do when left to my own devices) and it is SO WEIRD that we call today Good Friday. So weird. Our savoir was brutally beaten and murdered today. What "good" is there in that?! So I was on my way home from work and wondering what SICK person thought to name today "good Friday," and why, when the people hosting the radio station I was listening to started to discuss that same thing and it made heaps and heaps of sense so I wanted to share the highlights with you all. Christ's passion was beyond heinous. There's no denying it. Did you guys watch the Mel Gibson movie? If you haven't, then I'm going to include a picture, and your homework is to watch it. Anyway, look at the picture. That is basically a picture of our nasty, dirty sins. Those cuts and nails and that crown of thorns are every time we said "oh sorry about that, Jesus, but it was really fun for me so I hope that didn't hurt too bad." But Christ isn't trying to make you feel bad or guilty for making Him suffer so much (Our God is merciful, and He loves you and WANTED to save you, He knew this was the only way. But more on that later). Good Friday isn't about that. It's about coming to terms with the fact that we ALL fall short of the glory 99.999% of the time. Good Friday is about accepting that truth, embracing Christ's love and mercy, and choosing to do better next time. If we don't know that we're doing something wrong, then we can't fix it. Simple as that. So Good Friday is about truth and mercy and love, and THAT'S what makes this awful Friday, good.

I love you guys, thanks for reading. Questions?? Leave a comment below :)

Keep it real,

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