Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tell me you love me!

Today, my day was filled with people who either needed love or had too much and needed an outlet. As women, I think we are more inclined to the receiving part of life (I don't want to get graphic, but we are pretty much designed to draw things into ourselves). We need love more often than we have an excess so I'm going to stick to that.

Here's a metaphor to help paint a picture:
Lets say that my heart is a pot of water sitting on a stove (and I'm going to make Ramen Noodles because they are de-li-cious). When I'm feeling loved, and wanted, and on top of the world, I crank that heat up and bring the water to a rolling boil (then I slap those Noodles in the pot and ooo do they smell good). When I'm feeling good, I keep adding heat and excitement and the love inside of me snowballs. But (continuing with the metaphor) when I'm not feeling so hot; when the guy I like doesn't text me back, or when I really mess something up at work, I deliberately choose to not turn the heat on (and then I slap the Noodles in and they don't even cook, because you can't cook a darn thing in luke warm water, my friends. You just can't). And then! To make matters worse, I throw some ice-cubes in the pot!

My point is that we have to be open to feeling better. I know that when you're feeling blue, it's easy to stay down because that's what you're used to. Don't settle for being sad and in the dumps. When something, ANYTHING, positive happens (like a bowl of your favorite high-sodium instant noodles, or a compliment from your mom) grab onto it and enjoy it. Forget what you wish your life was and accept what it is, embrace what it is. We don't need to freak out and do something drastic because face it sister, when you finnish having a meltdown, you will only have made things worse, you'll only be even lower and even more comfortable in your sad sorry hole of loneliness.

We are meant for more than a pit of loneliness. We are meant for the tallest peaks of whatever mountain that we set our sights on. (Brace yourself because this is about to get extremely cheesy. EMBRACE the cheesiness!) Every day, every moment is filled with opportunities to make our bad days better and turn our good days into days that we'll always remember. We shouldn't settle for anything less than absolute greatness. The system wants us to lie down and give up. The system wants us to fill ourselves up with candy bars and romance novels. Rebel against that. Refuse. Choose to excel. Choose love. Choose adventure. Choose risk.

Some of the most influential people in history were hated and rejected because they actively fought against a system of mediocrity. Starting today, I will aim to someday count myself among them. Will you?

 Tomorrow's going to be really busy! Everyone traveling for Easter, be safe!! Keep it real everyone, Emily

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