Monday, September 26, 2011


I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean.
      -G. K. Chesterton
If I've only learned two things in the month that I've lived and studied at Franciscan University they are, One: always begin by referring to the wisdom of those who've gone before you and Two: G. K. Chesterton was the second wisest man to ever walk the earth. Ok so maybe not the second but definitely top one hundred. Anyway, I love this quote. As Christian women, we are flooded with books, pamphlets, emails, and flyers about true femininity, and in our disgustingly mislead world, I can understand the need for a clarification on the subject. HOWEVER! I feel that we've grabbed ahold of the concept of the Virgen Mary (blessed be her most Immaculate Heart!) in her beauty, grace, humility and modesty, and we've forgotten how strong she is! Mother Mary was no delicate little flower, helplessly caught up in the Devine Will. She was an active part of God's Plan. She was so in love with the Holy Spirit that even the intense suffering of her one and only son could not keep her from complying with His Will. Mary was a rock star.

Just like Mary, we are called to play an active part in God's Will. We are called to be strong, lead by example and love radically. God dosen't want to drag us around the dance floor as we insecurely mutter that we don't know the steps, he wants us to confidently follow is strong, unwavering lead. As women, we should be confident in the plan that God has for us, and boldly go where, sometimes no woman has gone before. We live in times of great distress; our country and world have been at odds with our Heavenly Father's Will for decades, and ladies, the battle's on. Our country needs love from the hearts of true, strong, and DEPENDANT women.

As women, we're called to give birth to Christ in the souls of everyone we meet. Sometimes that means fervently praying for conversion, and sometimes that means getting in there and being a catalyst for conversion. Sometimes, we have to get into the dirt and drag our brothers and sisters to holiness; we have to climb down to wherever they might be and shine a light for them, shout for them, hold their hand, and smother them with love until they can't take it anymore and they just have to ask "What is it that you have that makes you so strong and joyful? Because I want it. Whatever it is."

God's Will can get us into some pretty hot water. But it's in that hot water that we have an opportunity to actually share in the suffering and salvation of Christ. When we witness to people; when we share our stories and love with them, we make ourselves vulnerable to them, and that can be scary. Are they going to think I'm being pretentious or condescending? Are they going to think I'm stupid and weak for relying so heavily on a God that I can't even see or touch? But by overcoming that, we are an active and important part of Christ's plan of salvation. So love out loud sisters! Don't be afraid to be bold and beautiful, it's what you were made for.

Keep it real!

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