Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I love my life at Franciscan University so much! I'm so blessed to be able to study here, and I never feel the immensity of that blessing more than when I'm siting in Psychology 101 with Dr. Fischer. I will never be able to describe how awesome he is in my own words so I'll share with you some of his and let you make your own judgement.
  • "Don't e-mail me. I don't use computers quite simply because I believe that they are of the Devil. Yes, we are all probably going to hell because of our use of computers."
  • When taking attendance: "Marget Alrich? Margret? Is she here? Well I don't have a pencil... The hell with it." attendance over. 
  • "And, as we all know, if you don't have a phone number you die. (long solemn pause) Your phone breaks, you get sick, you get diarrhea, you start throwing up and then you die."
  • "Any questions about leaf blowers, weed wackers, OR axonal conduction?"
  • "It wont cure you like you went to Lourdes or something but it will have an effect."
  • "I don't patrol the desks trying to catch cheaters or anything, but I've checked with the Vatican and if you cheat... You WILL go to hell when you die. Bear that in mind."

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