Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Your Look

Strive to be unceasingly aware of the image you present to the world around you, so that you are better able to ensure that you are a portrait of love at all times. A painting in a museum is never aware of it’s impact on the viewer. It does not know that it is being studied, but it is nevertheless impacting the lives of onlookers at every moment.

[[One of my favorite paintings]]
The Song of the Lark
by: Jules Breton
We are, similarly, under constant observation. However, we do not have the luxury of emotional detachment, or as a result, an ever-fixed expression. In the event that misfortune enters our life, we are tempted to allow the emotional consequences of that misfortune to ooze into our outer visage, and as a consequence, onto those around us. When we do not strive to be a picture of love and benevolence, those we pass by notice our countenance, recognize it as unhappy, and in a small way, they take that unhappiness into themselves; a ripple appears in an otherwise tranquil pool. My dear friends, love is not an expression easily portrayed, and it is more than difficult to live life with an unfaltering appearance of charity, most certainly when experiencing the depression that we humans are occasionally inclined to, however it is most certainly worth the effort. To love unceasingly, one must be exceptional, because even the despicable can love occasionally.

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