Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Where you at?

Hello there :] I graduated this past Sunday and I feel like God (sitting in the driver's seat) is FLOORING IT! Grad parties and bonfires and just plain hanging out... I feel like if I don't go to every party or I skip out on a game of cards, that I'll miss something really important. After a week of "making memories," I realize that, as great as swimming and bike rides and late-night-talks are, MeTime is far more important. I'm going away to college, and when I think about it- I am completely unprepared. I don't mean that I don't have my books or pens or things like that. I mean emotionally and intellectually. I hardly know myself at all!

If I run out of money and I can't eat, will I ask a friend for food or act like everything is OK and end up really sick?

What do I do if I need my Dad to proof-read a paper (my Dad ALWAYS proof reads for me) and he's 400 miles away? Will I break down? Will I get so homesick that I quit school?

When I apply for summer internships in the city, how will I handle living completely on my own?

My biggest fear is (sorry for the cliche) that I'll write a check my butt can't cash. My parents built me tough, and I know I can handle anything with God's help, but I also need to spend more time learning my emotional and intellectual limits, and I think you should too. In the summer, it's easy to make you life a whirlwind of activity. I know how it feels, you just can't keep still! You want to be talking or running around or seeing movies- I get it. But spend a little but of time in prayer, asking God to help you know yourself. You may not feel any different, but He's working in you when you don't know it. Also, ask the Holy Spirit for help in ever decision that you make. Be like putty in His hands and he'll form you into something great :]
Keep it real,

Here's your cheesy video clip of the day :] I've been in a Hercules mood lately, I think he's my new favorite Disney hero.

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